Liberation by Robert McConvey
Liberation by Robert McConvey

Robert McConvey is a self-taught Irish artist, selling his creative works all over his homeland and the UK. He has been painting professionally for over a year but has always been creative across many different mediums. The enjoyment of creation and the capture of inspiring visual feasts are his motivation and his joy.

His approach to painting is just as abstract as the final pieces. He sees the entire process as a piece of art and revels in discovery through experimentation. This gives each of his paintings a completely unique and original feel, as not even two works are painted using the same methods.

Liberation is more of a statement and it translates as the “freedom from the oppression that says “no” or “you can’t”, the artist says. “It draws inspiration from the constant stream of negativity that stifles creation and aspiration. ‘Liberation’ is a celebration of throwing off the shackles of rules and conformity and allowing you to simply enjoy the moment”.

Created in gouache on canvas in shades of blue with red splashes, the artwork is highly textured and it has a contemporary feel. As a conceptual piece, the message that artist wants to convey is clear: “Rebel, Rise and stand Free!”

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