One of our artists; Sharon Smith, is currently working towards a London Exhibition of Iconic Album Covers and is producing some 1m square paintings in acrylic onto boxed canvas. 

Remember the days of vinyl? How good it felt to go and purchase your new album to add to your collection. The cover was often as important as the record itself. With the advance in technology we went from records, to tapes, to CDs, to ipods and itunes – where next? No more album covers that’s for sure! 

Sharon has just completed the fourth addition to the collection ‘The Beatles – Sergeant Pepper’. During the painting, She took a selection of photographs to show the stage that a painting goes through on it’s way to completion. 

Her whole collection can be seen on this site. Why not commission a painting of your favourite album cover or purchase one that’s already available as an original.



More Album covers:

Nirvana – Nevermind

Led Zeppelin – Houses of the Holy

Oasis (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? 

The Beatles – Sergeant Pepper

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