What can & can't be sold on Art2Arts

Find out what we sell


Art2Arts is a marketplace allowing artists to sell original works of art, limited edition fine art photography, hand-made prints and digital artwork (all limited by editions of no more than 150). We do not accept prints of original artwork.

What can be sold

On our website we allow the following, all of which must be a minimum price of £50:

1. Original Paintings

2. Original Drawings

3. Original Collages

4. Original or Limited Edition Sculptures

5. Printmaking (hand-made and limited to no more than 150)

6. Digital Artwork (created or altered using digital technology and limited to no more than 150)

7. Fine Art Photography (limited to no more than 150)

What can't be sold

On our website we allow the following, all of which must be a minimum price of £50:

1. Reproduction prints of original artwork

2. Crafts

3. Furniture

4. Greeting cards

5. Clothing

If we discover items being sold that are on our 'can't be sold' list we will immediately remove the items and we may have to limit your account. We also ask you do not add any external links on our webite.

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