Become a Featured Artist

Increase Exposure & Sales

Promote Your Art

Did you know you can increase your exposure substantially with our homepage artist feature, which in many cases increases exposure and sales for artists.

Featured Artist Listing

How it Works

It's very simple to join, just pay for your featured artist listing and that's it. We will send you confirmation once it has been set up and again when it ends. You can select which of your artworks you want to be shown on your featured artist listing from your artist acoount, and are free to change them as often as you want.

We aim to enable your featured listing within 24 hours (may be longer at weekends) and you will be notified when your listing ends. 

Please replace sold artwork as soon as possible to get the most from the feature.

Benefits of Featuring

Here are just some of the benefits:

Homepage featured artist listings (on a rotation)

Change your featured artworks as and when you like

4x artworks featured next to your name

Get increased visitors to your gallery page to view all your artwork

Dedicated 'featured' artist page promoted under 'artist' link

Increase your sales!

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